Industrial Decarbonization
Global Efficiency Intelligence is a leading industrial decarbonization consulting and market research firm. We provide market-based solutions and in-depth technology, industry, and policy analysis to advance the decarbonization of the global industrial sector.
Featured Reports
We use systems thinking, integrative modeling, and data analytics to turn data into actionable information and to provide scientific-engineering solutions.
Our clients:

Dr. Hasanbeigi's contribution to IPCC's newly released Sixth Assessment Report
Dr. Hasanbeigi served as a Contributing Author to IPCC's newly released Sixth Assessment Report on Mitigation of Climate Change. He contributed to Chapter 11 on “Industry” of this report.

How corporations can jump-start industrial electrification in the US
Dr. Hasanbeigi’s op-ed in GreenBiz.

Industrial Electrification: Unlocking Deep Decarbonization with the Power of the Grid
On this podcast episode of Electrify This!, Dr. Hasanbeigi chat with Sara Baldwin and Ed Rightor.

The new mindset for industrial decarbonization
GEI's new report, "Electrifying U.S. Industry", is featured in this article by GreenBiz.

Daily on Energy: A dramatic shift in the landscape - The government’s purchasing power
The Washington Examiner has featured GEI's new report on "Scale of Government Procurement of Carbon-Intensive Materials in the United States".

You’ve Heard of Outsourced Jobs, but Outsourced Pollution? It’s Real, and Tough to Tally Up.
Dr. Hasanbeigi’s interview with The New York Times.

The glaring loophole in our climate policies
Dr. Hasanbeigi’s op-ed in The Washington Post.