Manufacturing Resources Efficiency
Resource efficiency in manufacturing refers to how effectively resources—such as raw materials, energy, and water—are used to add economic value. As natural resources grow increasingly scarce and critical raw materials become more expensive, manufacturing companies must prioritize resource efficiency to stay competitive and advance green manufacturing. In Europe, raw materials, energy, and water together account for over 50% of total manufacturing costs. While improved resource efficiency has substantial potential to boost profitability at the national, state, and corporate levels, there remains a lack of integrated resource efficiency strategies, policies, and awareness of market and savings potential.
Leveraging our in-depth understanding of manufacturing processes, systems, and technologies, Global Efficiency Intelligence conducts data-driven, market-based analyses to identify resource efficiency strategies for diverse industries. Our research reports spotlight short- and medium-term opportunities, providing actionable insights that help companies lower costs, decarbonize, and maintain a competitive edge.